If you’re among the many who are ready for a fresh start in 2021, creating a new set of workplace resolutions may be on your to-do list. Whether you’re aiming to advance your career or simply hoping to create a better work/life balance, the tips we share here are practical resolutions that may help you achieve your goals. From remote work tips to attaining a healthy work environment, the options below are applicable to most situations:
Whether you’re working from home or transitioning back into your typical routine at the office, reducing distractions will help you boost your productivity. Distractions are common regardless of your work environment, but there are several strategies that may improve your focus. The devices that we rely on are also built-in distractions, since it’s so tempting to check social media or do a little online shopping during work hours. To cut down on time wastage, consider setting a timer and allowing yourself just one 5 to 10-minute browsing break for every two hours of work you put in.
Americans are experiencing burnout at an unprecedented level. The pandemic and historic events that we’re living through have caused stress levels to rise exponentially among employed individuals. According to a survey of 7,000 professionals, 27% reported feeling burnt out due to no separation between work and home life, while 21% cited unmanageable workloads and 19% had job security concerns. If you’re among the millions feeling burnt out, now is a great time to set reasonable boundaries to improve your overall wellbeing. It can be hard to say “no” when you take pride in your work and are a valuable part of the team, but it’s important to recognize your limits and be honest when you need help.
When you’re caught up in a project, ignoring your body’s signal for a refuel can happen frequently. By pausing your work for a healthy snack (preferably 3-4 hours after lunch), you’ll regulate blood sugar and give your brain the boost it needs to power through the rest of your day. If possible, avoid sugary or processed foods and opt for choices like half an avocado with whole grain crackers or high-protein yogurt with a handful of berries.
If you’re committed to making 2021 a better year, making changes to your work routine may help you supercharge your productivity while also improving your wellbeing. In addition to implementing these resolutions and remote work tips, you’ll need the supplies that are necessary to help you stay organized and perform your best. When you’re looking for a cost-effective and convenient solution for all your office needs, our team is here to help. We offer a host of equipment, supplies, and technology to keep your home or traditional office well-stocked all year round. To learn more about our products and services, please contact our team.
If you’re among the many who are ready for a fresh start in 2021, creating a new set of workplace resolutions may be on your to-do list. Whether you’re aiming to advance your career or simply hoping to create a better work/life balance, the tips we share here are practical resolutions that may help you achieve your goals. From remote work tips to attaining a healthy work environment, the options below are applicable to most situations:
Whether you’re working from home or transitioning back into your typical routine at the office, reducing distractions will help you boost your productivity. Distractions are common regardless of your work environment, but there are several strategies that may improve your focus. The devices that we rely on are also built-in distractions, since it’s so tempting to check social media or do a little online shopping during work hours. To cut down on time wastage, consider setting a timer and allowing yourself just one 5 to 10-minute browsing break for every two hours of work you put in.
Americans are experiencing burnout at an unprecedented level. The pandemic and historic events that we’re living through have caused stress levels to rise exponentially among employed individuals. According to a survey of 7,000 professionals, 27% reported feeling burnt out due to no separation between work and home life, while 21% cited unmanageable workloads and 19% had job security concerns. If you’re among the millions feeling burnt out, now is a great time to set reasonable boundaries to improve your overall wellbeing. It can be hard to say “no” when you take pride in your work and are a valuable part of the team, but it’s important to recognize your limits and be honest when you need help.
When you’re caught up in a project, ignoring your body’s signal for a refuel can happen frequently. By pausing your work for a healthy snack (preferably 3-4 hours after lunch), you’ll regulate blood sugar and give your brain the boost it needs to power through the rest of your day. If possible, avoid sugary or processed foods and opt for choices like half an avocado with whole grain crackers or high-protein yogurt with a handful of berries.
If you’re committed to making 2021 a better year, making changes to your work routine may help you supercharge your productivity while also improving your wellbeing. In addition to implementing these resolutions and remote work tips, you’ll need the supplies that are necessary to help you stay organized and perform your best. When you’re looking for a cost-effective and convenient solution for all your office needs, our team is here to help. We offer a host of equipment, supplies, and technology to keep your home or traditional office well-stocked all year round. To learn more about our products and services, please contact our team.