The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted our daily routines by calling for some businesses and institutions, including schools, to temporarily suspend operations. Many parents were suddenly asked to work remotely and homeschool their children to the best of their abilities. In many areas, the 2020-2021 school year remains uncertain, but parents can prepare for potential school closures by planning ahead and stocking up on homeschooling classroom supplies. The following classroom materials are essential for efficient and successful at-home learning.
Helping your students stay organized as they transition between subjects eases the shift from the standard classroom to a homeschooling environment. Have a healthy supply of notebooks, folders, and binders so that assignments from each subject have a dedicated place to reside while in process or as they are completed. Additionally, designate a notebook for busy work, scratch paper, and doodling so young children can keep school-related notebooks neat and tidy.
More schools are adopting online learning platforms to help with homework and group projects. A laptop or tablet makes accessing these lessons much easier and will leave the home computer open for other users. The portability of the laptop or tablet also allows students to take their work outside for a change of scenery. All files, documents, and necessary school-related items can be kept on one device, instead of located on various electronic devices around the house.
Your standard home internet connection may be adequate for streaming movies, paying bills, and sending emails, but it may not be enough to connect to multi-party video chats, especially if more than one child has class online. Talk to your service provider about expanding your internet package or purchasing a wi-fi extender so each area of your home has strong internet access. Connectivity is more important than ever, and families who are working and learning remotely will appreciate a stable internet connection.
Stock pens, pencils, and highlighters in your supply closet so that your children can easily access them as needed. A random smattering of pens in the kitchen’s junk drawer may not suffice for daily lessons, math problems, journal entries, and tests. Additionally, consider purchasing an electric pencil sharpener, erasers, and whiteout so students can prepare orderly work.
Incorporate hands-on activities to daily lessons to keep children engaged. Arts and crafts are a fantastic way to let students unwind while still remaining productive. Purchase craft paper, markers, coloring books, and modeling clay and give kids loosely structured downtime to create their own masterpiece. In this uncertain time, it’s crucial to practice self-care and encourage your children to do the same. Art has a way of relaxing and restoring, helping us stay curious and happy.
Keep your homeschooling classroom supplies stocked with these items to ensure your children are able to learn efficiently and remain productive outside the traditional classroom setting. EON Office enjoys helping businesses large and small thrive in this ever-changing environment. Contact us for more information.
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted our daily routines by calling for some businesses and institutions, including schools, to temporarily suspend operations. Many parents were suddenly asked to work remotely and homeschool their children to the best of their abilities. In many areas, the 2020-2021 school year remains uncertain, but parents can prepare for potential school closures by planning ahead and stocking up on homeschooling classroom supplies. The following classroom materials are essential for efficient and successful at-home learning.
Helping your students stay organized as they transition between subjects eases the shift from the standard classroom to a homeschooling environment. Have a healthy supply of notebooks, folders, and binders so that assignments from each subject have a dedicated place to reside while in process or as they are completed. Additionally, designate a notebook for busy work, scratch paper, and doodling so young children can keep school-related notebooks neat and tidy.
More schools are adopting online learning platforms to help with homework and group projects. A laptop or tablet makes accessing these lessons much easier and will leave the home computer open for other users. The portability of the laptop or tablet also allows students to take their work outside for a change of scenery. All files, documents, and necessary school-related items can be kept on one device, instead of located on various electronic devices around the house.
Your standard home internet connection may be adequate for streaming movies, paying bills, and sending emails, but it may not be enough to connect to multi-party video chats, especially if more than one child has class online. Talk to your service provider about expanding your internet package or purchasing a wi-fi extender so each area of your home has strong internet access. Connectivity is more important than ever, and families who are working and learning remotely will appreciate a stable internet connection.
Stock pens, pencils, and highlighters in your supply closet so that your children can easily access them as needed. A random smattering of pens in the kitchen’s junk drawer may not suffice for daily lessons, math problems, journal entries, and tests. Additionally, consider purchasing an electric pencil sharpener, erasers, and whiteout so students can prepare orderly work.
Incorporate hands-on activities to daily lessons to keep children engaged. Arts and crafts are a fantastic way to let students unwind while still remaining productive. Purchase craft paper, markers, coloring books, and modeling clay and give kids loosely structured downtime to create their own masterpiece. In this uncertain time, it’s crucial to practice self-care and encourage your children to do the same. Art has a way of relaxing and restoring, helping us stay curious and happy.
Keep your homeschooling classroom supplies stocked with these items to ensure your children are able to learn efficiently and remain productive outside the traditional classroom setting. EON Office enjoys helping businesses large and small thrive in this ever-changing environment. Contact us for more information.