Cubicles. Modular Workstations. Systems Furniture. Portable Office Pods. They can be called something different but all mean the same thing- totally flexible workstations that can be changed on the fly to fit any working environment. The choice between offices vs. Cubicles or both in your office is actually quite an easy one. The experienced team at EON Environments can offer some useful information to consider when moving to new space, upgrading existing space or accommodating for growth.
One of the first questions you should ask yourself when deciding where to put modular office systems is who should be sitting in them. One main reason for having an office compared to a cubicle is thinking about what staffers need to able to speak to clients or staffers behind closed doors. Most times, this falls upon management roles or anyone responsible for constant interaction. Additionally, anyone with a need for confidential or sensitive information either over the phone or face to face should always choose an office over a cubicle.
Those who typically find their workspace home in a cubicle are those who need to be more social and build better working relationships with their colleagues. A recent study by a major systems manufacturer found that employees are away from their workstations approximately 44 percent of their workday. While that statistic might seem shocking, you will be best served if this time is spent engaging in useful collaboration instead of ineffective time wasting at the water cooler. This study also found that working in a cubicle can make everyday interactions easier, inspire greater collaboration and most important it found these employees had a more enjoyable work ethic which leads to increased morale and productivity.
In addition to letting employees participate in pleasant everyday chitchat, there is an additional component of learning from those around you. Examples reported were listening to how someone speaks with others, conflict management techniques and it was even reported that when a few sales professionals conducted a “cold call blitz”, that the energy of those who were succeeding at booking appointments spread a “positive energy” over the rest of the sales team which ended with dramatic results.
The only issue mentioned was the obvious lack of privacy for workers, which some offices met with “private phone booth rooms” for those times when privacy is a must.
Some other advantages to consider:
Let EON Environments show you some stylish configurations to meet your office space. Contact us today for a design meeting!
Cubicles. Modular Workstations. Systems Furniture. Portable Office Pods. They can be called something different but all mean the same thing- totally flexible workstations that can be changed on the fly to fit any working environment. The choice between offices vs. Cubicles or both in your office is actually quite an easy one. The experienced team at EON Environments can offer some useful information to consider when moving to new space, upgrading existing space or accommodating for growth.
One of the first questions you should ask yourself when deciding where to put modular office systems is who should be sitting in them. One main reason for having an office compared to a cubicle is thinking about what staffers need to able to speak to clients or staffers behind closed doors. Most times, this falls upon management roles or anyone responsible for constant interaction. Additionally, anyone with a need for confidential or sensitive information either over the phone or face to face should always choose an office over a cubicle.
Those who typically find their workspace home in a cubicle are those who need to be more social and build better working relationships with their colleagues. A recent study by a major systems manufacturer found that employees are away from their workstations approximately 44 percent of their workday. While that statistic might seem shocking, you will be best served if this time is spent engaging in useful collaboration instead of ineffective time wasting at the water cooler. This study also found that working in a cubicle can make everyday interactions easier, inspire greater collaboration and most important it found these employees had a more enjoyable work ethic which leads to increased morale and productivity.
In addition to letting employees participate in pleasant everyday chitchat, there is an additional component of learning from those around you. Examples reported were listening to how someone speaks with others, conflict management techniques and it was even reported that when a few sales professionals conducted a “cold call blitz”, that the energy of those who were succeeding at booking appointments spread a “positive energy” over the rest of the sales team which ended with dramatic results.
The only issue mentioned was the obvious lack of privacy for workers, which some offices met with “private phone booth rooms” for those times when privacy is a must.
Some other advantages to consider:
Let EON Environments show you some stylish configurations to meet your office space. Contact us today for a design meeting!